
Everyone wants a whiter and brighter smile. Teeth whitening procedures accomplish these goals by reducing the shades to almost 3 times in a single session.

Professional teeth whitening services can be performed in our office setting or prescribed for take-home use by a patient. In comparison to over-the-counter teeth whitening treatments, professional whitening uses stronger whitening agents that deliver faster and more effective results.

Frequently asked questions

Are teeth whitening bad for my enamel?

There is no permanent damage caused to the enamel or any other tooth structures by teeth whitening.

Do teeth whitening cause permanent tooth sensitivity?

Sensitivity from teeth whitening is always transient. It normally goes away within one to two days after the treatment, and the patient returns to the state of sensitivity he or she had prior to starting the whitening process.

Can I get my teeth whitened?

Most people are candidates for teeth whitening, but again, each situation is unique and it’s best to contact your dental professionals at Zen Orthodontic & Dental Care.

How long does teeth whitening last?

Typically you can expect whitening to last from six months to two years. Avoiding red wine, coffee, and smoking, all of which can cause staining, helps preserve the results.

Do teeth whitening procedure affect fillings, veneers, or crowns?

Teeth whitening has little or no effect on restorative materials such as porcelain or crowns, but it may temporarily reduce the bond strength between enamel and composite restorations. This is why it’s a good idea to check with your dental professional before beginning any course of teeth whitening.

Do toothpaste whiteners work?

Whitening toothpastes typically only clean surface stains and don’t actually change the colour of the teeth. There may be some visible results but the teeth aren’t actually being whitened.

What should I expect when I get my teeth whitened?

At Zen Orthodontic & Dental Care, teeth whitening consists of a thorough cleaning and polishing of the teeth, with all debris carefully removed. Your dentist will then protect your gums before applying a whitening agent to the surface of your teeth. The product will be activated and left on the teeth for several minutes before being washed off with water. Your results will vary according to the natural shade of your teeth and degree of discoloration, but it is normal for patients to experience a lightening of several shades in a single visit.

What type of post-treatment care is required after having my teeth whitened?

It is normal to experience some teeth sensitivity following a professional whitening treatment. You may be instructed to avoid consuming highly pigmented beverages for at least 24 hours to prevent the teeth from becoming stained again. Examples include tea, coffee and wine. Depending on your results and long-term teeth whitening goals, you may also be sent home from your procedure with an at-home whitening kit for later use.

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