Year: <span>2019</span>

Invisalign – A remarkable healthcare innovation

Are you unhappy with the straightness of your teeth? Invisalign treatment is an exciting revolution in dental care which has put behind the most sought after, braces of the yesteryears. Consumer demand for invisalign is a huge driving factor for its prominence in orthodontics. The easy to wear aligners, can set right crooked, overcrowded teeth […]

Invisalign treatment as an investment for your new Smile!

‘Smiling is healthy, smiling is beautiful, and smiling is contagious’. Yet, there are many who are nervous or embarrassed to show their ‘pearly whites’.  Say ‘cheese for a click’, and they cover up their smile, as they don’t want their teeth to take the center stage. Battling crooked and misaligned teeth can result in an […]

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